Northwood University
With a clearly articulated mission to develop the future leaders of a global, free-enterprise society, Northwood University is expanding its presence in national and international venues. Professors are engaged in economic and policy dialogue; students are emerging as champions in regional and national academic competitions. At all campuses and in all divisions, Northwood University is energized and is actively pursuing dynamic programming and increased influence.
It is an accredited business school that prepares students for success as global leaders. At Northwood, we help and support international students to achieve their goals through practical learning, problem-solving, and collaboration.
Northwood University educates managers and entrepreneurs – highly skilled and ethical leaders. With more than 57,000 alumni and a vibrant future ahead, The Northwood Idea is alive and well.
At Northwood, we emphasize qualitative personal development. Through purposeful programming and course offerings we develop individuals who: can explain their personal values; appreciate the aesthetic, creative and spiritual elements of life; seek lifelong education; are effective self-evaluators and action-oriented. These attributes encompass our holistic approach to developing the future leaders of a global free-enterprise society.